We all want to fall in love. Why? Because that experience makes us feel completely alive. Where every sense is heightened, every emotion is magnified, our everyday reality is shattered and we are flying into the heavens. It may only last a moment, and hour, an afternoon. But that doesn't diminish its value. Because we are left with memories that we treasure for the rest of our lives."
~author unknown~
"Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~author unknown~

The writing topic was: Love is when... The kids did a great job and really put their thoughts and emotions into each and every note. Here are just a few of their meaningful love sentences:
(I am going to use their "inventive" spelling, but I will give you some help for some unclear words. )
Love is when someone kisis you and gives you badnads (band-aids) when you have a bo bo (boo boo).
Love is when sambady loves you and has enybody ever cist (kissed) you? I bet you have cist sambady but thats nasty!
Love is when someone helps me with homework and when my parents take me on vacashen!
Love is when sum won gives you food.
Love is when mom or dad tucks you in bed.
Love is when people take you to the Mall of Amarcka and ants and unkls take you camping.
Love is when you get a hug and 100ed kisses. Your husben (husband) buys you erings.
Love is when sumbuttee (somebody) is cutlee (cuddly) and when summbuttee is mareed (married).
This is one whole writing and it is one of my favorites. The words it contains are so precious:
Love is when you get your ring and when you get mareyde (married). It's so joyfull and loving. It is like you are waking (walking) throw (through) a waterfall of marshmellows (marshmallows). It's a shiny dimende (diamond) on the ring. It is so butifull (beautiful) when you see it.
That has to be just how everyone wants to feel, when they are in love...
~author unknown~
"Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~author unknown~
My wonderful para Erin, otherwise known as "MISS J", is getting married in October. My students absolutely adore her and so we wrote some messages for her about love. I had a small celebration for her wedding in our classroom because many of my students will not be in a classroom with Miss J next year. The kids had little mini wedding cakes and they were able to dress their favorite paraprofessional up as a bride using toilet paper. The dandelions they had picked earlier in the day, at recess, worked well as a bouquet for her to throw during the wedding celebration.
The writing topic was: Love is when... The kids did a great job and really put their thoughts and emotions into each and every note. Here are just a few of their meaningful love sentences:
(I am going to use their "inventive" spelling, but I will give you some help for some unclear words. )
Love is when someone kisis you and gives you badnads (band-aids) when you have a bo bo (boo boo).
Love is when sambady loves you and has enybody ever cist (kissed) you? I bet you have cist sambady but thats nasty!
Love is when someone helps me with homework and when my parents take me on vacashen!
Love is when sum won gives you food.
Love is when mom or dad tucks you in bed.
Love is when people take you to the Mall of Amarcka and ants and unkls take you camping.
Love is when you get a hug and 100ed kisses. Your husben (husband) buys you erings.
Love is when sumbuttee (somebody) is cutlee (cuddly) and when summbuttee is mareed (married).
This is one whole writing and it is one of my favorites. The words it contains are so precious:
Love is when you get your ring and when you get mareyde (married). It's so joyfull and loving. It is like you are waking (walking) throw (through) a waterfall of marshmellows (marshmallows). It's a shiny dimende (diamond) on the ring. It is so butifull (beautiful) when you see it.
That has to be just how everyone wants to feel, when they are in love...
so. cute! love it ;)