Tuesday, July 26, 2011

August is Right Around the Corner

Joke of the day:
What did the mother buffalo say to her son as he went off to school?

When August comes, so does the start of working again at school. (Ok, not until the 29th...)
August always warns me that summer and free time are both quickly coming to a close. I never really stop thinking about work and the next school year over summer break. In my basement I have a large box that has been filled this summer with new reading buddies, puppets, books, erasers, pencils, and other goodies for this year's kiddos. My break has also provided me with extra time to read and find new resources for parents.

I thought of my brother's family and how they are raising my nephew and already encouraging good values and manners at home. My sister is going to be a new mommy in December (yippee!) and so I thought of her also when I found this handout on parenting written by John R. Eggers. Listed below are a few of his ideas:

What is a good parent?

1. Commit yourself to being a good parent. Make it a passion. Realize that the only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary. Most people achieve because they are determined..

2. Communicate, communicate, communicate. Be the Socrates of the 21st Century-ask, probe, remind, conference, tell, listen, write, post, network. Above all, think and learn out loud with your kids. Remember, it's impossible to over communicate.

3. Love your kids. There are three things you need to do to show love for your kids: talk to them, spend time together, and listen to them.

4. Have fun with them-often. Remember, having children was your idea. Enjoy your kids and enjoy special times together.

5. Listen, very simple. Show them they are important to you.

6. Provide discipline. Kids want it and need it. Discipline means security and stability.

7. Rituals and special times are important, create them in your family.

8. Teach for trust: Say what you mean and mean what you say.

9. Laugh a lot. Parents and kids who laugh, last.

I really liked the author's ideas and thought them to be honest, genuine, and not expensive. :)

           Now to other news~ The NFL lock-out is over, whew!~

         Clara and Jebbie~Are you ready for some football?

I have been ready for football since the Superbowl ended! It is always exciting to think of another year when it begins! I am going to be traveling to Champlin to see some Champlin Park Rebel football this fall too! I know one really great coach that I want to support. :)

Now to the bad news of the month: I am not going to finish my crocheting project for the county fair this year. I know, I am a nerd, but I am still going to enter some other knitting items.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

~Change of Days~

Calming peacefulness has eluded,
The wish of many days.
Now a simple, quiet longing,
Enters so gently,
As if lost, in existence,
But has just found its way.

Your soft and loving manner,
Is where life becomes effortless.
The complexity of time,
Exits with a mere, soft touch.
Your heart shining so bright,
Calming all my surroundings.

Gone now is solitude,
Fears of doubts erased.
With such joy and change,
Time still needs healing.
Patience, love, and the happiness of days,
Wonderful you, bringing amazing changes...

*Written for Sam Ferraro, July of 2011*

Monday, July 4, 2011

Little Miracle

" The child must know that he is a miracle, that since the beginning of the world there hasn't been, and until the end of the world there will not be, another child like him."
~Pablo Casals~

Our whole world is full of miracles, but babies make each day even more amazing. Happy first birthday to my little nephew, Matthew. He will be one on Wednesday and I love him so much. Matthew brings me so much joy and he is truly a sweet little miracle!

I love being an auntie...and I am a good one! I have so much joy and want to share my love with Matthew and others in my life. Matthew's little toothless smile always makes me melt...

Matthew is cuddly and I love to watch him sleep so peacefully...

Happy birthday, blue eyes!
Your first birthday is a special one. It was a first year for us to get to know you, see you grow, and appreciate what a little miracle you really are to the world.